25 SEPTEMBER SOFT TV - Performance Feature & Interview
Launch of MushiMushi's new compilation CD "MushiMushi Vol. 1 (various songwriters)"
Video of Interview: https://www.facebook.com/SOFTsingapore/videos/10153753691186746/ MushiMushi's live performance on SOFT TV today (25 Sept 2016)! Our MushiMushi Compilation Vol. 1 CD is out for sale now at this link: http://cdbaby.com/cd/mushimushi1 Featuring our original songs: 1) Drawn To You - Zacquine Miken / Zacq & Mari 2) There's No Place Like Home - Audis Ho 3) Changing Faces - Zacquine Miken 4) If You Were In My Shoes - Audis Ho 5) NamNam - Zacquine Miken/ Zacq & Mari